In The Field: Spotlight on Allie Kinney, RN
When safe patient ratios were shot down a few years ago, I was so upset. Corporate interests won out on a platform that exploited nurses' fears that if they voted in favor of safe patient ratios, there would ultimately be less beds for patients.
In The Field: Spotlight on Emily Webster, BSN, RN
“On day 1 of nursing school there are so many things I would like to say to myself but I’ll try to be brief and pick the most important things, I want others to learn from me.”
![In The Field: Spotlight on Caitlyn Wood, BSN, RN](
In The Field: Spotlight on Caitlyn Wood, BSN, RN
The amount of good that can be done in one nursing shift on my current unit is endless. I also love getting to care for such a broad range of patients, as my knowledge base in constantly growing.
In The Field: Spotlight on Jasmine Durant, BSN, RN
Leaving work at work is one of the best ways to deal with the stress of a nursing job I think. Creating some sort of ritual to signify that you are over that part of your day has helped me.
![In The Field: Spotlight on Nicole Douphinette, RN](
In The Field: Spotlight on Nicole Douphinette, RN
Take the time to find your routine and what works best for you. Your preceptors routine may not work for you and that's okay. Get into your own groove, it does get easier.
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